Should the "coalition of the willing" withdraw military forces from Iraq?

The big country called the United States (and the smaller countries they call "the willing") have trashed the small country of Iraq using weapons. Some of the weapons are big bombs, others are smaller bombs, and then there are also bullets, of course. People in Iraq are in turn trying to hurt the "the willing" by using small bombs, and rocket-propelled grenades, and swords to cut off heads live on videotape.

If the USA and "the willing" leave the country now, anything could happen. If they don't leave, anything could also happen. If they do leave, the USA corporations would probably not get the spoils of war, like owning oil wells or construction contracts to make things the army destroyed. Also, the Iraq people might start shooting each other even more since the USA wouldn't be there to shoot. But maybe they would shoot each other less. But still, some very angry people would be happy to see "the willing" leave willingly or unwillingly.

PLAN*B Referendum by >> The Yes Men






Should the "coalition of the willing" withdraw military forces from Iraq?


"The willing" should leave Iraq today


"The willing" should leave Iraq in three years


"The willing" should never leave Iraq


"The willing" should invade Iran as well









"They have first got to guarantee some sort of a safety for the locals to live in before leaving the country."

Selection: "The willing" should leave Iraq in three years (Female, 22 years)

"They should not have even gone there!"

Selection: "The willing" should leave Iraq today (Female, 40 years)

"Specially true after the elections. It would probably be impossible to withdraw the coalition forces "today", but they shouldn't stay as long as three years!"

Selection: "The willing" should leave Iraq today (Male, 40 years)

"The coalition of the U.S. and other "willings" in the E.U. should be named U.C.S. ("United Criminal States)."

Selection: "The willing" should leave Iraq today (Male, 41 years)

"If necessary, maybe send in some reluctant forces instead. "

Selection: "The willing" should leave Iraq today (Female, 28 years)

"better soon than never"

Selection: "The willing" should leave Iraq in three years (Male, 30 years)