Should everyone have a right to create a sovereign microstate?

The questions is, if the most fundamental freedom is not missing, the freedom to be free or not free, according to one's choice. Shouldn't we have the absolute right to select the political society in which we want to live and to depend only upon it? Would it be possible to conceive a system, in
which those who are dissatisfied with their government could choose either another one or if none of the existing governments represents them optimally, could just create their own microstate?

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Micronations are 'self-made' nations, established by individual people or small(artist) groups. Amorph!03 performance art biennale hosted the first »Summit of Micronations«, where the kings, presidents and representatives of "self made" countries met each other for the first time.

PLAN*B Referendum by >> Amorph!03 / Micronations






Should everyone have a right to create a sovereign microstate?


We need microstates as enclaves of difference in which model societies can be tested.


Instead of supporting the "balkanization" of the world we need to enforce a unified system of world government.


I want to choose for myself which laws are governing me.


The Finnish Government does not represent me.


The system of the EU is the most promising experiment of governance.


There should be free competition between governmental systems.


If everybody could create their own country the public domain would disappear.


Microstates are nothing more than gated communities.









"i want to be a human not a citizen. a state is a prison!"

Selection: I want to choose for myself which laws are governing me. (Female, 20 years)

"Countries used to be microstates formed of tribes."

Selection: We need microstates as enclaves of difference in which model societies can be tested. (Male, 41 years)

"Micronations are not dysttopian utopias, as the male voter commented before. They are reaching back to the utopian communities of the 19th century and even further. And why this should not have a relevance here; just think about where many ideas, we take for granted today, where most radically put into practice, such as equal rights for men and women. They were precisely tested in those early experimental communities, which for me form a part of a micronational counterculture. I see micronations as test labs."

Selection: We need microstates as enclaves of difference in which model societies can be tested. (Male, 32 years)

"Micronations are dystopian utopias... just confusing in this context"

Selection: Instead of supporting the "balkanization" of the world we need to enforce a unified system of world government. (Male, 25 years)

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Selection: We need microstates as enclaves of difference in which model societies can be tested. (Male, 25 years)